Noise testing
As part of next phase of the project there are a range of noise conditions we need to meet.
Between commissioning of the first turbines and commissioning of the final turbine the near field testing at a single turbine will commence within five months of the commissioning of the first turbine. The near field testing at one additional turbine will be completed every six months from the date of the previous near field test until all turbines are commissioned.
The Operational Noise Compliance Testing program will also be carried out in accordance with the endorsed Noise Compliance Testing Plan.
The wind turbines will gradually be commissioned and begin generating electricity over a number of months.
Once the wind farm is fully operational, noise loggers will be set up by a qualified and experienced independent acoustic engineer at nominated dwellings (subject to access been granted by the landowner) to verify that compliance with noise limits under the SHWF planning permit.
The noise loggers will collect data over a number of weeks to ensure the minimum required data points under different conditions in wind speed and direction are collected in accordance with the NZ standard.
To provide the community with confidence in the results the report will be accompanied by a report from an independent environmental auditor appointed under the Environment Protection Act 2017 with their opinion on the methodology and results contained in the noise compliance testing report.