Wind Farm backs local footy!

14 March 2025

Stockyard Hill Wind Farm is pleased to support the Beaufort Football Netball Club with a major three-year sponsorship deal. The deal was announced through the attached press release in the Pyrenees Advocate.

Stockyard Hill Wind Farm Fire Recovery Grants 2024

23 January 2025

(Media release from the Pyrenees Shire Council)

Local recipient case study

Geoff Parker - Beaufort

When the flames of the Bayindeen-Rocky Road fire had been extinguished, Beaufort resident Geoff Parker was grateful to find he had not lost more infrastructure. But the pensioner says what he did lose would have had a big impact on his hip pocket if it were not for the help of a Stockyard Hill Wind Farm Fire Recovery Fund grant.

Geoff lost a water pump in the fires and received a $2,500 grant under the fund to purchase a new pressure pump system for his dam, which waters the garden, and to reinstate power to the pump. “The grant helped a lot because I’m on a pension – having to pay for the fire damage would have put a big dint in my savings,” he said. Geoff said the fire came within about five metres of his house on the outskirts of Beaufort, where he lives on 21 acres with his two dogs Ziggy and Shelby. Apart from the pump equipment, he only lost pasture and trees growing on his property. “It scorched a bit of the fencing but I didn’t lose anything that keeps the dogs in, which is good. “It got to about 15 feet of the house but I was lucky because when it got into the house paddock, a helicopter came over and dropped the fire retardant and put it all out. It was a very close call.”

Geoff heard about the Stockyard Hill Wind Farm Fire Recovery Fund through the Pyrenees Shire Council’s Fire Recovery Team, who visited impacted locals in the days and weeks after the fires, talking to them face-to-face about the support available to them. Geoff said he is really grateful to Stockyard Hill Wind Farm for the grant funding, and the Council for their help in getting him the support he needed after the traumatic event. “Tony (Grimme from Council) asked me what I had lost in the fire and when I told him about the water pump, he told me about the grants,” he said. “It was fortunate that the wind farm had pitched in for equipment connected to water that was damaged in the fire. Tony helped me apply and I was fortunate to get a grant.”

The Stockyard Hill Wind Farm Fire Recovery Fund was made available to help impacted locals replace items such as water, water infrastructure, tools and other items damaged by the Bayindeen fire in February and March last year. The fund offered a total of $50,000 with grants of up to $5,000 allocated to 11 recipients. The fund aimed to support residents in their recovery from fire by providing financial aid where they are unable to access funds through insurance or other sources to replace items seriously damaged or destroyed by the fire. The grants were allocated to residents for projects such as purchasing fencing materials, replacing water supplies and water infrastructure, and buying tools and equipment.

Pyrenees Shire Council’s Economic Development and Fire Recovery teams helped facilitate the grants making sure impacted locals knew they were eligible and helping them apply for the funding.

For more information about Stockyard Hill Wind Farm and their work in the Pyrenees region, including their community grant program, visit

For more information about Pyrenees Shire Council’s fire recovery efforts visit

Geoff Parker with Shelby and some of the burnt vegetation around his home. The dam where the water pump is located can be seen in a gully behind him

Geoff Parker with his dogs Ziggy and Shelby with burnt shrubs at the back of his home, showing just how close the fire came

Matthew George Young Stockman Award

25 October 2024

Earlier this year SHWF made a donation to the Matthew George Young Stockman Award. Two SHWF staff were invited by the George family to attend the award presentation and celebration at the Royal Melbourne Show.

 (L-R - Wayne Weaire – Ballarat Foundation Chairperson, Lorraine George – SHWF landowner, Darren Sexton – CEO SHWF, David George – SHWF landowner and the winner of the MGYSA Matt Cooney)

The George family are local landowners and tragically lost their son Matthew in 2007. Matthew was an aspiring cattle breeder with a passion for genetics. Following Matthew’s death, the George family and the Angus cattle family of Australia rallied together to form the Matthew George Young Stockman Award in 2008. The Award provides an opportunity for young breeders, aged 18 to 25 years, to undertake a study tour of beef cattle breeding programs, developments and practices. Applications for the annual award opened in July with the winner being announced at the Royal Melbourne Show. The winner of the MGYSA for 2024 was Matt Cooney.

Lorraine George commented “I am very proud of the past winners and the career achievements since winning the award, and they all say they are so thankful for the award as they believe it has made them what they are today.”

Community Grants

1 October 2024

Applications for the 2024 Community Grants Program will be open from Monday 7 October until Wednesday 13 November 2024.

As part of our commitment to make a positive contribution to the local community, we are pleased to launch our Community Grants Program for 2024. Funding is available to support community projects in the areas of diversity, sustainability and environment, health and wellbeing, participation and pride. We are proud to be partnering with Bendigo Bank Community Enterprise Foundation to deliver the grants.

Click on the link below for more information or to apply:

Community Liaison Group

30 August 2024

Thankyou to all who applied to become members of the SHWF CLG.

We were blown away by the number of applications we received and have formed our exciting new CLG with a broad cross section of landowners, community members and stakeholders.

The CLG will be convening for their first meeting in mid-September with the first round of community grants to be rolled out shortly after.

Stay tuned for more updates.

Beaufort Primary School Tree Planting Day

19 August 2024

A thoroughly enjoyable afternoon was had at Beaufort Primary School as part of National Tree Day.

SHWF sponsored the 170 plants provided by Avalon Nursery who came to the school and gave the students a free garden consultation to advise them on which plants/trees are best suited to their environment.

The tree planting event coincided with the school's Book Week Day which provided a very colourful atmosphere to the afternoon! All grades were mixed into different age groups and allocated to particular areas with teachers to supervise. 

Jon Valent, Steve Eldred and Michelle Nunn from Stockyard Hill Wind Farm were put to work digging some holes for the bigger trees which soon got them working up a sweat!

The Pyrenees Advocate published a story regarding the event (see attached) and Beaufort Primary School put together a story for their newsletter (see attached

The SHWF team also donated some SHWF hats and model wind turbines which the school will be raffling off!

Naidoc Week

15 August 2024

Stockyard Hill Wind Farm celebrated Naidoc Week with a visit from a Wadawurrung Traditional Owner who came out to have a yarn about their culture & history out here at Stockyard Hill.

Kangaroo skins, possum skins, clap sticks and burls were passed around and discussions had on the many uses they did and still have for their mob.

Stories were told of the Stolen Generation and how this impacted on the lives of their elders. Some have been acknowledged as being stolen from their families by the government which has been tremendously healing. 

We were welcomed to country in language with clap sticks and watched as the fire was lit and smoked with eucalyptus leaves. We were all encouraged to take a gum leaf and throw it into the fire and walk through the smoke and cleanse ourselves. 

Everyone then enjoyed a bushfood morning tea and had a yarn and laugh with the Goldwind crew.

Nyatne (thankyou) for welcoming Wadawurrung to Stockyard Hill.

Community Liaison Group - Open for applications

2 July 2024

We are calling for expressions of interest for community members to join the SHWF CLG. If you’re a member of the local community who wants to help ensure a positive community legacy from the wind farm, we encourage you to apply by completing the application form. You can read the CLG Terms of Reference here.

Raglan CFA donation

7 June 2024

Following on from the bushfires, SHWF proudly donated two refurbished laptops, one television and one printer to the Raglan CFA to enable them to train new recruits and volunteers at the local station instead of them having to travel into Ballarat headquarters for training. This donation allows the Raglan CFA more flexibility in training and the opportunity to grow brigade numbers.

The Windy Hill shack – demonstrating reuse of construction materials  

8 February 2024

A Stockyard Hill Wind Farm couple who were recently retired, had some time on their hands and decided to make good use of the various materials leftover from construction and up-cycle packing cases, pallets, foam, tape and tarps to renovate their outdoor shack situated on top of a hill on their property. 

Construction crews would put aside material they jokingly referred to as ‘shopping’ for the couple whereas the couple tended to refer to it instead as ‘treasure hunting’.  

The Windy Hill’ is now a very comfortable area for family and friends to enjoy all year round.